Cephus - Special Ed's TC3

Special Ed always wanted a touring car. In fact, when he thinks of RC it is touring cars that first come to his mind. It's therefore no surprise that he went out and got one. The TC3 is made by Associated Engineering and was, for a time, their top of the line electric touring car. It has since been replaced by the TC4.

Cehpus came upgraded with most of the Factory Team parts. There are a few that still need to be added to make this a true Factory Team TC3. Time will bring those about. For the meantime Special Ed needs to learn how to tune and drive a 4WD touring car as they are drastically different from monster trucks and 2WD stadium trucks.

Here are Cephus' details and some pics....

Team Associated TC3
Trinity D6 12x2 motor
Dean's Ultra connectors throughout
HPI V-Groove and M-compound tires
Pro-Line 10-spoke and HPI Super Star 5-spoke wheels