Gitis - Special Ed's Evader ST

When you've been in the hobby for awhile you start to collect a mass of spare parts. There came a point where Special Ed had so many spare parts for Devo that he could almost make a second Evader from them. So...with the addition of a few missing things, Gitis was born from those parts which, for the most part, came off of Devo when things got upgraded.

Gitis is going to be the off-road Evader whereas Devo will be the street 'vader. Gitis is running a Trinity Cobalt 2 16T motor and has the original Intellispeed 12T ESC that came out of Devo when he got upgraded to the LRP. Gitis is pretty much your stock Evader ST...non-Pro model. Eventually he'll get upgraded too. Then maybe another baby Evader will be born.

FYI...the name "Gitis" is short for "Meningitis," the friggin' illness Special Ed was sidelined with when he spent all of the time building Gitis. If he hadn't been bored, Special Ed would probably never have built this truck. At least something good came from being sick.

!!!UPDATE 11/22/06!!!
Gitis had motor and ESC transplants. The donor vehicle was Shlimp (who now has a Velociti 6.5R motor and GTB ESC). Gitis is now sporting the SS4300 brushless system that we had been running in Shlimp. He is obviously not as fast as Shlimp is now but he's still faster than he was. Plus we now have a lot less maintenance to deal with where the motor is concerned.

!!!UPDATE 12/18/07!!!
Gitis has been sold to Dageek so he can be turned into a winter driving maniac. His name will change as he will no longer be the same truck. Keep your eyes on the website for details.

Here are Gitis' details and some pics....

Duratrax Evader ST
Trinity Cobalt 2 16T motor
Duratrax Intellispeed 12T ESC
Dean's Ultra connectors throughout
Spektrum DX2 Tx w/ SR3000 Rx
Varying wheels and tires